In CSS/HTML there are specific entities that can be placed via code. This is a list of some of the most used CSS entities and their HTML equivalents.
Using CSS to Place an Entity
In CSS there are occasions where you don’t have access to the HTML being output, or you want to include something as a part of the document styling. This is where you would use either the ::before or ::after pseudo elements and the CSS code for the entity.
The following will place a small ♥ before the list item.
ul li::before {
content: "\2665 ";
The following will place a small ♥ after the list item.
ul li::after {
content: " \2665";
Currency Entities
Symbol | Entity Code | HTML Code | CSS Code | Symbol Name |
$ | $ | $ | \0024 | Dollar Sign |
¢ | ¢ | ¢ | \00A2 | Cent Sign |
€ | € | € | \020AC | Euro Sign |
£ | £ | £ | \00A3 | Pound Sign |
¤ | ¤ | ¤ | \00A4 | Currency Sign |
¥ | ¥ | ¥ | \00A5 | Yen Sign |
Arrow Entities
Symbol | Entity Code | HTML Code | CSS Code | Symbol Name |
↺ | ↺ | ↺ | \21BA | Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow |
↻ | ↻ | ↻ | \21BB | Clockwise Open Circle Arrow |
↼ | ↼ | ↼ | \21BC | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Upwards |
↽ | ↽ | ↽ | \21BD | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Downwards |
↾ | ↾ | ↾ | \21BE | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Rightwards |
↿ | ↿ | ↿ | \21BF | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Leftwards |
⇀ | ⇀ | ⇀ | \21C0 | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Upwards |
⇁ | ⇁ | ⇁ | \21C1 | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Downwards |
⇂ | ⇂ | ⇂ | \21C2 | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Rightwards |
⇃ | ⇃ | ⇃ | \21C3 | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Leftwards |
⇄ | ⇄ | ⇄ | \21C4 | Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow |
⇅ | ⇅ | ⇅ | \21C5 | Upwards Arrow Leftwards of Downwards Arrow |
⇆ | ⇆ | ⇆ | \21C6 | Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards Arrow |
⇇ | ⇇ | ⇇ | \21C7 | Leftwards Paired Arrows |
⇈ | ⇈ | ⇈ | \21C8 | Upwards Paired Arrows |
⇉ | ⇉ | ⇉ | \21C9 | Rightwards Paired Arrows |
⇊ | ⇊ | ⇊ | \21CA | Downwards Paired Arrows |
⇋ | ⇋ | ⇋ | \21CB | Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon |
⇌ | ⇌ | ⇌ | \21CC | Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon |
⇍ | ⇍ | ⇍ | \21CD | Leftwards Double Arrow with Stroke |
⇎ | ⇎ | ⇎ | \21CE | Left Right Double Arrow with Stroke |
⇏ | ⇏ | ⇏ | \21CF | Rightwards Double Arrow with Stroke |
⇐ | ⇐ | ⇐ | \21D0 | Leftwards Double Arrow |
⇑ | ⇑ | ⇑ | \21D1 | Upwards Double Arrow |
⇒ | ⇒ | ⇒ | \21D2 | Rightwards Double Arrow |
⇓ | ⇓ | ⇓ | \21D3 | Downwards Double Arrow |
⇔ | ⇔ | ⇔ | \21D4 | Left Right Double Arrow |
⇕ | ⇕ | ⇕ | \21D5 | Up Down Double Arrow |
⇖ | ⇖ | ⇖ | \21D6 | North West Double Arrow |
⇗ | ⇗ | ⇗ | \21D7 | North East Double Arrow |
⇘ | ⇘ | ⇘ | \21D8 | South East Double Arrow |
⇙ | ⇙ | ⇙ | \21D9 | South West Double Arrow |
⇚ | ⇚ | ⇚ | \21DA | Leftwards Triple Arrow |
⇛ | ⇛ | ⇛ | \21DB | Rightwards Triple Arrow |
⇜ | &ziglarr; | ⇜ | \21DC | Leftwards Squiggle Arrow |
⇝ | ⇝ | ⇝ | \21DD | Rightwards Squiggle Arrow |
⇤ | ⇤ | ⇤ | \21E4 | Leftwards Arrow To Bar |
⇥ | ⇥ | ⇥ | \21E5 | Rightwards Arrow To Bar |
⇵ | ⇵ | ⇵ | \21F5 | Downwards Arrow Leftwards of Upwards Arrow |
⇿ | ⇿ | ⇿ | \21FF | Left Right Open-Headed Arrow |
⇽ | ⇽ | ⇽ | \21FD | Leftwards Open-Headed Arrow |
⇾ | ⇾ | ⇾ | \21FE | Rightwards Open-Headed Arrow |
⟵ | ⟵ | ⟵ | \27F5 | Long Leftwards Arrow |
⟶ | ⟶ | ⟶ | \27F6 | Long Rightwards Arrow |
⟷ | ⟷ | ⟷ | \27F7 | Long Left Right Arrow |
⟸ | ⟸ | ⟸ | \27F8 | Long Leftwards Double Arrow |
⟹ | ⟹ | ⟹ | \27F9 | Long Rightwards Double Arrow |
⟺ | ⟺ | ⟺ | \27FA | Long Left Right Double Arrow |
⟿ | ⟿ | ⟿ | \27FF | Long Rightwards Squiggle Arrow |
⟼ | ⟼ | ⟼ | \27FC | Long Rightwards Arrow from Bar |
⤂ | ⤂ | ⤂ | \2902 | Leftwards Double Arrow with Vertical Stroke |
⤃ | ⤃ | ⤃ | \2903 | Rightwards Double Arrow with Vertical Stroke |
⤄ | ⤄ | ⤄ | \2904 | Left Right Double Arrow with Vertical Stroke |
⤅ | ⤅ | ⤅ | \2905 | Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow from Bar |
⤌ | ⤌ | ⤌ | \290C | Leftwards Double Dash Arrow |
⤍ | ⤍ | ⤍ | \290D | Rightwards Double Dash Arrow |
⤎ | ⤎ | ⤎ | \290E | Leftwards Triple Dash Arrow |
⤏ | ⤏ | ⤏ | \290F | Rightwards Triple Dash Arrow |
⤐ | ⤐ | ⤐ | \2910 | Rightwards Two-Headed Triple Dash Arrow |
⤑ | ⤑ | ⤑ | \2911 | Rightwards Arrow with Dotted Stem |
⤒ | ⤒ | ⤒ | \2912 | Upwards Arrow To Bar |
⤓ | ⤓ | ⤓ | \2913 | Downwards Arrow To Bar |
⤖ | ⤖ | ⤖ | \2916 | Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow with Tail |
⤙ | ⤙ | ⤙ | \2919 | Leftwards Arrow-Tail |
⤚ | ⤚ | ⤚ | \291A | Rightwards Arrow-Tail |
⤛ | ⤛ | ⤛ | \291B | Leftwards Double Arrow-Tail |
⤜ | ⤜ | ⤜ | \291C | Rightwards Double Arrow-Tail |
⤝ | ⤝ | ⤝ | \291D | Leftwards Arrow To Black Diamond |
⤞ | ⤞ | ⤞ | \291E | Rightwards Arrow To Black Diamond |
⤟ | ⤟ | ⤟ | \291F | Leftwards Arrow from Bar To Black Diamond |
⤠ | ⤠ | ⤠ | \2920 | Rightwards Arrow from Bar To Black Diamond |
⤣ | ⤣ | ⤣ | \2923 | North West Arrow with Hook |
⤤ | ⤤ | ⤤ | \2924 | North East Arrow with Hook |
⤥ | ⤥ | ⤥ | \2925 | South East Arrow with Hook |
⤦ | ⤦ | ⤦ | \2926 | South West Arrow with Hook |
⤧ | ⤧ | ⤧ | \2927 | North West Arrow and North East Arrow |
⤨ | ⤨ | ⤨ | \2928 | North East Arrow and South East Arrow |
⤩ | ⤩ | ⤩ | \2929 | South East Arrow and South West Arrow |
⤪ | ⤪ | ⤪ | \292A | South West Arrow and North West Arrow |
⤵ | ⤵ | ⤵ | \2935 | Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Downwards |
⤶ | ⤶ | ⤶ | \2936 | Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving Leftwards |
⤷ | ⤷ | ⤷ | \2937 | Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving Rightwards |
⤸ | ⤸ | ⤸ | \2938 | Right-Side Arc Clockwise Arrow |
⤹ | ⤹ | ⤹ | \2939 | Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow |
⤼ | ⤼ | ⤼ | \293C | Top Arc Clockwise Arrow with Minus |
⤽ | ⤽ | ⤽ | \293D | Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow with Plus |
⥅ | ⥅ | ⥅ | \2945 | Rightwards Arrow with Plus Below |
⥈ | ⥈ | ⥈ | \2948 | Left Right Arrow Through Small Circle |
⥉ | ⥉ | ⥉ | \2949 | Upwards Two-Headed Arrow from Small Circle |
⥊ | ⥊ | ⥊ | \294A | Left Barb Up Right Barb Down Harpoon |
⥋ | ⥋ | ⥋ | \294B | Left Barb Down Right Barb Up Harpoon |
⥏ | ⥏ | ⥏ | \294F | Up Barb Right Down Barb Right Harpoon |
⥐ | ⥐ | ⥐ | \2950 | Left Barb Down Right Barb Down Harpoon |
⥑ | ⥑ | ⥑ | \2951 | Up Barb Left Down Barb Left Harpoon |
⥒ | ⥒ | ⥒ | \2952 | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up To Bar |
⥓ | ⥓ | ⥓ | \2953 | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up To Bar |
⥔ | ⥔ | ⥔ | \2954 | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right To Bar |
⥕ | ⥕ | ⥕ | \2955 | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right To Bar |
⥖ | ⥖ | ⥖ | \2956 | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down To Bar |
⥗ | ⥗ | ⥗ | \2957 | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down To Bar |
⥘ | ⥘ | ⥘ | \2958 | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left To Bar |
⥙ | ⥙ | ⥙ | \2959 | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left To Bar |
⥚ | ⥚ | ⥚ | \295A | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up from Bar |
⥛ | ⥛ | ⥛ | \295B | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up from Bar |
⥜ | ⥜ | ⥜ | \295C | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right from Bar |
⥝ | ⥝ | ⥝ | \295D | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right from Bar |
⥞ | ⥞ | ⥞ | \295E | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down from Bar |
⥟ | ⥟ | ⥟ | \295F | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down from Bar |
⥠ | ⥠ | ⥠ | \2960 | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left from Bar |
⥡ | ⥡ | ⥡ | \2961 | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left from Bar |
⥢ | ⥢ | ⥢ | \2962 | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down |
⥣ | ⥣ | ⥣ | \2963 | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right |
⥤ | ⥤ | ⥤ | \2964 | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down |
⥥ | ⥥ | ⥥ | \2965 | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right |
⥦ | ⥦ | ⥦ | \2966 | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up |
⥧ | ⥧ | ⥧ | \2967 | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down Above Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down |
⥨ | ⥨ | ⥨ | \2968 | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up |
⥩ | ⥩ | ⥩ | \2969 | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down Above Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down |
⥪ | ⥪ | ⥪ | \296A | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Long Dash |
⥫ | ⥫ | ⥫ | \296B | Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down Below Long Dash |
⥬ | ⥬ | ⥬ | \296C | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Long Dash |
⥭ | ⥭ | ⥭ | \296D | Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down Below Long Dash |
⥮ | ⥮ | ⥮ | \296E | Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right |
⥯ | ⥯ | ⥯ | \296F | Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right |
⥰ | ⥰ | ⥰ | \2970 | Right Double Arrow with Rounded Head |
⥱ | ⥱ | ⥱ | \2971 | Equals Sign Above Rightwards Arrow |
⥲ | ⥲ | ⥲ | \2972 | Tilde Operator Above Rightwards Arrow |
⥳ | ⥳ | ⥳ | \2973 | Leftwards Arrow Above Tilde Operator |
⥴ | ⥴ | ⥴ | \2974 | Rightwards Arrow Above Tilde Operator |
⥵ | ⥵ | ⥵ | \2975 | Rightwards Arrow Above Almost Equal To |
⥶ | ⥶ | ⥶ | \2976 | Less-Than Above Leftwards Arrow |
⥸ | ⥸ | ⥸ | \2978 | Greater-Than Above Rightwards Arrow |
⥹ | ⥹ | ⥹ | \2979 | Subset Above Rightwards Arrow |
⥻ | ⥻ | ⥻ | \297B | Superset Above Leftwards Arrow |
⥼ | ⥼ | ⥼ | \297C | Left Fish Tail |
⥽ | ⥽ | ⥽ | \297D | Right Fish Tail |
⥾ | ⥾ | ⥾ | \297E | Up Fish Tail |
⥿ | ⥿ | ⥿ | \297F | Down Fish Tail |
CSS Quotation Mark Characters
Result | Description | Entity Number |
" | double quote | \0022 |
' | single quote | \0027 |
‹ | single, left angle quote | \2039 |
› | single, right angle quote | \203A |
« | double, left angle quote | \00AB |
» | double, right angle quote | \00BB |
‘ | left quote | \2018 |
’ | right quote | \2019 |
“ | left quote | \201C |
” | right quote | \201D |
„ | double quote | \201E |
Miscellaneous Entities
Symbol | Entity Code | HTML Code | CSS Code | Symbol Name |
& | & | & | \0026 | Ampersand |
© | © | © | \00A9 | Copyright Sign |
® | ® | ® | \00AE | Registered Sign |
™ | ™ | ™ | \2122 | Trade Mark Sign |
@ | @ | @ | \0040 | Commercial At |
℅ | ℅ | ℅ | \2105 | Care Of |
℧ | ℧ | ℧ | \2127 | Inverted Ohm Sign |
★ | ★ | ★ | \2605 | Black Star |
☆ | ☆ | ☆ | \2606 | White Star |
♀ | ♀ | ♀ | \2640 | Female Sign |
♂ | ♂ | ♂ | \2642 | Male Sign |
♠ | ♠ | ♠ | \2660 | Black Spade Suit |
♣ | ♣ | ♣ | \2663 | Black Club Suit |
♥ | ♥ | ♥ | \2665 | Black Heart Suit |
♦ | ♦ | ♦ | \2666 | Black Diamond Suit |
♪ | ♪ | ♪ | \266A | Eighth Note |
♭ | ♭ | ♭ | \266D | Music Flat Sign |
♮ | ♮ | ♮ | \266E | Music Natural Sign |
♯ | ♯ | ♯ | \266F | Music Sharp Sign |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | \2713 | Check Mark |
✗ | ✗ | ✗ | \2717 | Ballot X |
✠ | ✠ | ✠ | \2720 | Maltese Cross |
✶ | ✶ | ✶ | \2736 | Six Pointed Black Star |
« | « | « | \00AB | Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark |
» | » | » | \00BB | Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark |
‹ | ‹ | ‹ | \2039 | Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark |
› | › | › | \203A | Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark |
< | < | < | \003C | Less-Than Sign |
> | > | > | \003E | Greater-Than Sign |
〈 | ⟨ | 〈 | \2329 | Left-Pointing Angle Bracket |
〉 | ⟩ | 〉 | \232A | Right-Pointing Angle Bracket |
CSS Notes:
- The “inherit”, “initial” and “unset” keywords can be used with any CSS property to set its value
- In CSS there are many ways to express a color value in a property
We’d like to acknowledge that we learned a great deal of our coding from W3Schools and TutorialsPoint, borrowing heavily from their teaching process and excellent code examples. We highly recommend both sites to deepen your experience, and further your coding journey. We’re just hitting the basics here at 1SMARTchicken.