CSS – grid-template-areas Property
The grid-template-areas property specifies areas within a grid layout.
The grid-template-areas property specifies areas within a grid layout.
The grid-template-columns property specifies the number and widths of columns in a grid layout, where each value is the size of the respective column.
The grid-template-rows property specifies the number and heights of rows in a grid layout, where each value is the size of the respective row.
The justify-content property aligns the flexible container’s items when the items do not use all available space on the horizontal axis.
The order property specifies the order of a flexible item relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container.
The max() function uses the largest value, from a comma-separated list of values, as the property value.
The min() function uses the smallest value, from a comma-separated list of values, as the property value.
This is a quick reference list of CSS flex properties used to create flex templates and style them for a responsive design.
This is a quick reference list of CSS grid properties used to create grid templates and style them for a responsive design.
The @media Rule describes CSS media queries to be used to define style rules for specific device types or a wide range of screen sizes and capabilities.
This is a CSS template to organize your styles by section, page, product, etc. It also has a sample link to import another style sheet, a sample link to Google Fonts, and several sample media queries.
The window.matchMedia() method returns a MediaQueryList with the results from the query.