The MySQL TIME_FORMAT() function formats a time by a specified format.
The MySQL TIME_FORMAT() function formats a time by a specified format.
The MySQL TIME_TO_SEC() function converts a time value into seconds.
The MySQL TIMEDIFF() function returns the difference between two time/datetime expressions (written in the same format).
The MySQL TIMESTAMP() function returns a datetime value based on a date or datetime value.
The MySQL TO_DAYS() function returns the number of days between a date and year 0 (date “0000-00-00”).
The MySQL WEEK() function returns the week number for a given date (a number from 0 to 53).
The MySQL WEEKDAY() function returns the weekday number for a given date.
The MySQL WEEKOFYEAR() function returns the week number for a given date (a number from 1 to 53).
The MySQL YEAR() function returns the year part for a given date (a number from 1000 to 9999).
The MySQL YEARWEEK() function returns the year and week number (a number from 0 to 53) for a given date.