CSS – @import Rule
The @import rule allows you to import a style sheet into another style sheet, and must be at the top of the document just after the @charset declaration.
The @import rule allows you to import a style sheet into another style sheet, and must be at the top of the document just after the @charset declaration.
There may come a time when you have an HTML text link that needs to be temporarily disable for some reason (perhaps it’s auto-created by a CMS, but the page is not yet finished).
Depending on the browser being used and its settings, a PDF link may open by default in the same tab/window. But jQuery can change that behavior.
Using jQuery, a “print page” link can be created on the page which will open the browser’s print dialog box when clicked.
You may have a set of links setup to outside sources or even as affiliate links. jQuery can be used to automatically set those links to nofollow for SEO.
Using jQuery, a “reload page” link can be created on the page which will allow the user to reload the page when clicked.
There are times where you may want/need to disable a text link or set of links on your sites temporarily using jQuery.
Using the jQuery animate() method, a link clicked can smoothly scroll down (or up) the page to a page anchor.
Some sites place a smooth-scrolling, back-to-top button in the lower, right-hand corner of the site so the user can get back to the page top easily.
The number of posts contained in each WordPress category (post count) can be displayed in the main menu when using categories as links.
There have been times where I’ve found that one of my sites was showing completely under another individual’s URL. They embedded my site in their frames.