CSS – grid-template Property
The grid-template property is a shorthand property for other grid properties.
The grid-template property is a shorthand property for other grid properties.
The grid-template-areas property specifies areas within a grid layout.
The grid-template-columns property specifies the number and widths of columns in a grid layout, where each value is the size of the respective column.
The grid-template-rows property specifies the number and heights of rows in a grid layout, where each value is the size of the respective row.
The height property sets the height of an element, not including padding, borders, or margins.
The left property defines the horizontal position of a positioned element, but will have no affect on an item not positioned.
The justify-content property aligns the flexible container’s items when the items do not use all available space on the horizontal axis.
The line-height property specifies the height of a line, which is the spacing between lines of text when wrapping to new lines, such as in paragraphs.
The margin property sets the margins for an element, and is a shorthand property for margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left.
The max-height property defines the maximum height of an element. It can be smaller in height, but not larger than the specified size value.
The max-width property defines the maximum width of an element. It can be smaller in width, but not larger than the specified size value.
The min-height property defines the minimum height of an element. It can be larger in height, but not smaller than the specified size value.
The min-width property defines the minimum width of an element. It can be larger in width, but not smaller than the specified size value.
The object-fit property is used to specify how an image or video should be resized to fit its container.
The object-position property is used together with object-fit to specify how an image or video should be positioned with x/y coordinates.
The order property specifies the order of a flexible item relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container.