JavaScript – Window name Property
The Window name property sets or returns the name of the window.
The method opens a new browser window/tab, depending on the browser settings and the parameter values.
The opener property returns a reference to the window that created the window.
The window.outerHeight property returns the outer height of the browser window, including all interface elements such as toolbars and scrollbars.
The window.outerWidth property returns the outer width of the browser window, including all interface elements such as toolbars and scrollbars.
The window.pageXOffset property returns the pixels a document has scrolled the page right from the upper left corner of the window.
The window.pageYOffset property returns the pixels a document has scrolled down the page from the upper left corner of the window.
The window.parent property returns the parent window of the current window.
The window.print() method opens a print dialog box, which lets the user select from printing options to print the contents of the window.
The Window prompt() method displays a dialog box that prompts the user for input.
The Window resizeBy() method resizes a window by a specified amount.
The Window resizeTo() method resizes a window to a specified width and height.
The window.screenLeft property returns the horizontal position of a window, relative to the screen.
The window.screenTop property returns the vertical position of a window, relative to the screen.
The Window screenX property returns the horizontal coordinate of a window, relative to the screen.
The Window screenY property returns the vertical coordinate of a window, relative to the screen.
The window.scrollBy() method scrolls the document by the specified number of pixels, but only if the page is longer than the window.
The window.scrollTo() method scrolls the document to specified coordinates.
The window.scrollX property returns the pixels a document has scrolled horizontally from the upper left corner of the window.
The window.scrollY property returns the pixels a document has scrolled vertically from the upper left corner of the window.