JavaScript – DOM NodeList entries() Method
The NodeList entries() method returns an iterator with the key/value pairs from a NodeList, which is an array-like list of Node Objects.
The NodeList entries() method returns an iterator with the key/value pairs from a NodeList, which is an array-like list of Node Objects.
The NodeList forEach() method executes a callback function for each node in a NodeList, which is an array-like list of Node Objects.
The NodeList item() method returns the node at a specified index in a NodeList, which is an array-like list of Node Objects.
The NodeList keys() method returns an iterator with the keys from a NodeList, which is an array-like list of Node Objects.
The NodeList length property returns the number of nodes in a NodeList, which is an array-like list of Node Objects.
The NodeList values() method returns an iterator with the values from a NodeList, which is an array-like list of Node Objects.