jQuery – outerHeight() Method
The outerHeight() method returns the outer height of the FIRST matched element, including padding and border.
The outerHeight() method returns the outer height of the FIRST matched element, including padding and border.
The outerWidth() method returns the outer width of the FIRST matched element, including padding and border.
The position() method returns the element’s top and left position, in pixels (relative to its parent), of the first matched element.
The prepend() method inserts specified content (HTML tags, jQuery objects, DOM elements) at the beginning of the selected elements.
The prependTo() method inserts HTML elements at the beginning of the selected element or elements.
The remove() method removes the selected elements, including all text and child nodes.
The removeAttr() method removes one or more attributes from the selected elements.
The removeClass() method removes one or more class names from the selected elements.
The replaceAll() method replaces selected elements with new HTML elements.
The scrollLeft() method sets the horizontal scrollbar position for the selected elements.
The scrollTop() method sets the vertical scrollbar position for the selected elements.
The text() method sets the text content of the selected elements, overwriting the content of ALL matched elements.
The toggleClass() method toggles between adding and removing one or more class names from the selected elements.
The width() method sets the width of the selected elements, not including padding, border, or margin.
The wrap() method wraps specified HTML element(s) around EACH selected element separately. Every selected element will be wrapped on its own.