JavaScript – class Statement
The class statement initiates a class with properties and methods assigned in the constructor() method.
The class statement initiates a class with properties and methods assigned in the constructor() method.
The Class constructor() method is for creating and initializing objects created within a class.
The Class extends keyword is used to create a child class of a parent class, which then inherits all the methods from the parent class.
The Class static keyword defines static methods for classes, which are then called directly on the class without creating an instance.
The Class super keyword is used to call the constructor of its parent class to access the parent’s properties and methods.
This is a quick reference list of JavaScript classes methods and properties with examples of how they are used.
Since Python is an object-oriented, programming language, almost everything is an object with properties and methods.
Python inheritance allows a class (child class) to inherit all the methods and properties from another class (parent class).