HTML – Adding Audio
The HTML <audio> tag is used to place a playable audio file on the page.
The <audio> tag is used to embed music or spoken word audio on an HMTL page. The audio
tag contains one or more <audio> tags specifying different audio types.
The <embed> tag represents a container for external applications or interactive content (images, videos, animations, etc.).
The <object> tag defines a container for an external resource such a web page, image, video, or animation.
The <source> tag is used to specify multiple media resources for media elements, such as the <video> tag, <audio> tag, and <picture> tag.
The <track> tag specifies text tracks for <audio> or <video> tags, such as subtitles, captions or other text that should be visible while the media is playing.
The audio tag is used to embed music or spoken-word audio on an HMTL page. There are multiple attributes that can be applied to the audio tag.
The embed tag represents a container for external applications or interactive content to live. These are the attributes used in the embed tag.
The object tag defines a container for an external resource such a web page, image, video, or animation.
The param tag is used to define parameters for an object element. These are the attributes for the param tag.
The source tag is used to specify multiple media resources for media elements. These are the attributes for the source tag.
The track tag specifies text tracks for audio or video elements, such as subtitles, captions or other text. These are its attributes.
The oncanplay event fires when the video has buffered enough for the browser to start playing the specified audio/video.
The oncanplaythrough event fires when the browser estimates it can play through the specified media without having to stop for buffering.
The oncuechange event defines a script to run when the cue changes in a track
The ondurationchange event fires when the duration of the audio/video is changed.
The onemptied event fires when the media encounters some fatal error, the file becomes unavailable, or the media playlist is empty.
The onloadeddata event fires when data for the current frame is loaded, but not enough data to play the next frame.