Code Snippet
When using Gravity Forms along with Gravity Perks (using the GP Reload Form add-on), you can set your forms to reset after sending, preparing them for another form fill.
Once you’ve downloaded and installed Gravity Perks, and activated GP Reload Form, place the following code anywhere in your child theme’s functions.php document.
// reset gravity form fields
add_filter( 'gprf_disable_dynamic_reload', '__return_true' );
All modifications to a theme or plugin should be made by creating a child theme and placing the changes there. Changes made to the parent theme will be overwritten the next time it updates.
WordPress Notes:
- All modifications to a theme or plugin should be made by creating a child theme and placing the changes there; changes made to the parent theme will be overwritten the next time it updates
We’d like to acknowledge that we learned a great deal of our coding from W3Schools and TutorialsPoint, borrowing heavily from their teaching process and excellent code examples. We highly recommend both sites to deepen your experience, and further your coding journey. We’re just hitting the basics here at 1SMARTchicken.