SQL Reference

Quick Reference

The MySQL CASE statement goes through conditions and will stop reading and return a value when the first condition in the list is met.

SELECT Order_id, quantity,
CASE WHEN quantity > 25 THEN 'The quantity is greater than 25.'
WHEN quantity = 25 THEN 'The quantity is 25.'
ELSE 'The quantity is under 25.'
END AS quantity_text
FROM Orders;


Number of Records: 55
order_id	quantity	quantity_text
48	5	The quantity is under 25.
49	9	The quantity is under 25.
50	35	The quantity is greater than 25.
55	25	The quantity is 25.


    WHEN condition1 THEN result1
    WHEN condition2 THEN result2
    WHEN conditionN THEN resultN
    ELSE result


condition1, condition2, ...conditionNThe conditions evaluated in order (required)
result1, result2, ...resultNThe value to return once a condition is true (required)

SQL Notes:

  • Any work being done to modify the structure of a database or delete tables or the the database itself should only be done after making a recent backup

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