Quick Reference
This is a quick reference list of MySQL date functions and how they are used to work with databases.
- SQL – MySQL ADDDATE() FunctionThe MySQL ADDDATE() function adds a time/date interval to a date and then returns the date.
- SQL – MySQL ADDTIME() FunctionThe MySQL ADDTIME() function adds a time interval to a time/datetime and then returns the time/datetime.
- SQL – MySQL CURDATE() FunctionThe MySQL CURDATE() function returns the current date as “YYYY-MM-DD” (string) or as YYYYMMDD (numeric).
- SQL – MySQL CURRENT_DATE() FunctionThe MySQL CURRENT_DATE() function returns the current date as “YYYY-MM-DD” (string) or as YYYYMMDD (numeric).
- SQL – MySQL CURRENT_TIME() FunctionThe MySQL CURRENT_TIME() function returns the current time as “HH-MM-SS” (string) or as HHMMSS.uuuuuu (numeric).
- SQL – MySQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() FunctionThe MySQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() function returns the current date and time as “YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS” (string) or as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu (numeric).
- SQL – MySQL CURTIME() FunctionThe MySQL CURTIME() function returns the current time as “HH-MM-SS” (string) or as HHMMSS.uuuuuu (numeric).
- SQL – MySQL DATE() FunctionThe MySQL DATE() function extracts the date part from a datetime expression.
- SQL – MySQL DATEDIFF() FunctionThe MySQL DATEDIFF() function returns the number of days between two date values.
- SQL – MySQL DATE_ADD() FunctionThe MySQL DATE_ADD() function adds a time/date interval to a date and then returns the date.
- SQL – MySQL DATE_FORMAT() FunctionThe MySQL DATE_FORMAT() function formats a date as specified.
- SQL – MySQL DATE_SUB() FunctionThe MySQL DATE_SUB() function subtracts a time/date interval from a date and then returns the date.
- SQL – MySQL DAY() FunctionThe MySQL DAY() function returns the day of the month for a given date (a number from 1 to 31).
- SQL – MySQL DAYNAME() FunctionThe MySQL DAYNAME() function returns the weekday name for a given date.
- SQL – MySQL DAYOFMONTH() FunctionThe MySQL DAYOFMONTH() function returns the day of the month for a given date (a number from 1 to 31).
- SQL – MySQL DAYOFWEEK() FunctionThe MySQL DAYOFWEEK() function returns the weekday index for a given date (a number from 1 – Sunday to 7 – Saturday).
- SQL – MySQL DAYOFYEAR() FunctionThe MySQL DAYOFYEAR() function returns the day of the year for a given date (a number from 1 to 366).
- SQL – MySQL EXTRACT() FunctionThe MySQL EXTRACT() function extracts a part from a given date.
- SQL – MySQL FROM_DAYS() FunctionThe MySQL FROM_DAYS() function returns a date from a numeric datevalue.
- SQL – MySQL HOUR() FunctionThe MySQL HOUR() function returns the hour part for a given date (from 0 to 838).
- SQL – MySQL LAST_DAY() FunctionThe MySQL LAST_DAY() function extracts the last day of the month for a given date.
- SQL – MySQL LOCALTIME() FunctionThe MySQL LOCALTIME() function returns the current date and time as “YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS” (string) or as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu (numeric).
- SQL – MySQL LOCALTIMESTAMP() FunctionThe MySQL LOCALTIMESTAMP() function returns the current date and time as “YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS” (string) or as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu (numeric).
- SQL – MySQL MAKEDATE() FunctionThe MySQL MAKEDATE() function creates and returns a date based on a year and a number of days value.
- SQL – MySQL MAKETIME() FunctionThe MySQL MAKETIME() function creates and returns a time based on an hour, minute, and second value.
- SQL – MySQL MICROSECOND() FunctionThe MySQL MICROSECOND() function returns the microsecond part of a time/datetime (from 0 to 999999).
- SQL – MySQL MINUTE() FunctionThe MySQL MINUTE() function returns the minute part of a time/datetime (from 0 to 59).
- SQL – MySQL MONTH() FunctionThe MySQL MONTH() function returns the month part for a given date (a number from 1 to 12).
- SQL – MySQL MONTHNAME() FunctionThe MySQL MONTHNAME() function returns the name of the month for a given date.
- SQL – MySQL NOW() FunctionThe MySQL NOW() function returns the current date and time as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” (string) or as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu (numeric).
- SQL – MySQL PERIOD_ADD() FunctionThe MySQL PERIOD_ADD() function adds a specified number of months to a period and will return the result formatted as YYYYMM.
- SQL – MySQL PERIOD_DIFF() FunctionThe MySQL PERIOD_DIFF() function returns the difference between two periods (both periods should be in the same format). The result will be in months.
- SQL – MySQL QUARTER() FunctionThe MySQL QUARTER() function returns the quarter of the year for a given date value (a number from 1 to 4).
- SQL – MySQL SECOND() FunctionThe MySQL SECOND() function returns the seconds part of a time/datetime (from 0 to 59).
- SQL – MySQL SEC_TO_TIME() FunctionThe MySQL SEC_TO_TIME() function returns a time value (in format HH:MM:SS) based on the specified seconds (positive or negative).
- SQL – MySQL STR_TO_DATE() FunctionThe MySQL STR_TO_DATE() function returns a date based on a string and a format.
- SQL – MySQL SUBDATE() FunctionThe MySQL SUBDATE() function subtracts a time/date interval from a date and then returns the new date.
- SQL – MySQL SUBTIME() FunctionThe MySQL SUBTIME() function subtracts time from a time/datetime expression and then returns the new time/datetime.
- SQL – MySQL SYSDATE() FunctionThe MySQL SYSDATE() function returns the current date and time as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” (string) or as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (numeric).
- SQL – MySQL TIME() FunctionThe MySQL TIME() function extracts the time part from a given time/datetime, and returns “00:00:00” if not a datetime/time, or NULL if expression is NULL.
- SQL – MySQL TIME_FORMAT() FunctionThe MySQL TIME_FORMAT() function formats a time by a specified format.
- SQL – MySQL TIME_TO_SEC() FunctionThe MySQL TIME_TO_SEC() function converts a time value into seconds.
- SQL – MySQL TIMEDIFF() FunctionThe MySQL TIMEDIFF() function returns the difference between two time/datetime expressions (written in the same format).
- SQL – MySQL TIMESTAMP() FunctionThe MySQL TIMESTAMP() function returns a datetime value based on a date or datetime value.
- SQL – MySQL TO_DAYS() FunctionThe MySQL TO_DAYS() function returns the number of days between a date and year 0 (date “0000-00-00”).
- SQL – MySQL WEEK() FunctionThe MySQL WEEK() function returns the week number for a given date (a number from 0 to 53).
- SQL – MySQL WEEKDAY() FunctionThe MySQL WEEKDAY() function returns the weekday number for a given date.
- SQL – MySQL WEEKOFYEAR() FunctionThe MySQL WEEKOFYEAR() function returns the week number for a given date (a number from 1 to 53).
- SQL – MySQL YEAR() FunctionThe MySQL YEAR() function returns the year part for a given date (a number from 1000 to 9999).
- SQL – MySQL YEARWEEK() FunctionThe MySQL YEARWEEK() function returns the year and week number (a number from 0 to 53) for a given date.
SQL Notes:
- Any work being done to modify the structure of a database or delete tables or the the database itself should only be done after making a recent backup
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