The PHP idate() function formats a local time and/or date as integer.

echo idate('B');




					idate(format, timestamp)


formatSpecifies how to return the result:

  • B - Swatch Beat/Internet Time

  • d - Day of the month

  • h - Hour (12 hour format)

  • H - Hour (24 hour format)

  • i - Minutes

  • I - returns 1 if DST (daylight saving time) is activated, 0 otherwise

  • L - returns 1 for leap year, 0 otherwise

  • m - Month number

  • s - Seconds

  • t - Days in current month

  • U - Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)

  • w - Day of the week (Sunday=0)

  • W - ISO-8601 week number of year (week starts on Monday)

  • y - Year (1 or 2 digits)

  • Y - Year (4 digits)

  • z - Day of the year

  • Z - Timezone offset in seconds

timestampSpecifies a Unix timestamp that represents the date and/or time to be formatted (default is the current local time)