jQuery – Linking to the jQuery Library
To use jQuery on your site, it must be either downloaded and linked to in the document <head> or included by linking to a CDN in the document <head>.
To use jQuery on your site, it must be either downloaded and linked to in the document <head> or included by linking to a CDN in the document <head>.
The jQuery syntax is designed for selecting HTML elements and then performing some action on the selected element(s) once the document has loaded.
When using other JavaScript frameworks on your site along with jQuery, there is the potential for a conflict to happen.
jQuery has numerous built-in selectors that make it easy to access HTML elements.
Comments in jQuery are used to create notes about what the code block does and how it works, and can also be used to temporarily prevent code execution.
There are a number of jQuery Methods (actions) that can be used to manipulate your document. Here are some of the most common.
jQuery traversing, which means “to travel or pass across, over, or through”, are used to find HTML elements based on their relation to other page elements.
In jQuery, you can chain together multiple methods (actions), allowing multiple actions to run on the same element(s), within a single statement.
jQuery contains a multitude of DOM-related methods that make it easy to access and manipulate HTML elements and attributes.
There are many user actions (events) that a web page can respond to using jQuery. Things such as a mouse click, key press, form submit, or scroll.
jQuery can be used to hide, show, fade in/out, or slide up/down HTML elements on the page, creating effects and animations with a great deal of control.
Callback functions are used to run several lines of code containing effects that need to finish running individually before running the next line of code.
AJAX is the ability to exchange data with a server, and then update parts of a web page without reloading the entire page – only the updated data reloads.