WordPress – Enqueue a Style Sheet
To enqueue a stylesheet in WordPress, you use the wp_enqueue_style function in your theme’s functions.php file.
To enqueue a stylesheet in WordPress, you use the wp_enqueue_style function in your theme’s functions.php file.
By default WordPress will search all posts including pages. You may wish to have the search function only search posts, excluding pages in the results.
The URL that shows when doing a search from within WordPress is quite long and human unreadable to some extent. This can be changed to a simpler format.
In WordPress, there is an admin bar at the top of the site backend and frontend when logged in. You may want to hide this from the general user.
When using WooCommerce you may want to limit the number of items that can be initially placed in the cart, or can be increased to while already in the cart.
By default WordPress uses the amount defined in Settings > Reading to set how many results appear on the search results page, which is the same as archives.
Though you may have the auto updates to themes and plugins turned off, sometimes installing a new plugin turns it on for that plugin. This can be disabled.
When a user does a search on your WordPress site and there’s only one result, it’s simple to save them a click by redirecting them directly to the post.
When done properly, style sheets can be kept to a minimum size and there isn’t an urgency to place them in browser cache. A time code can overcome caching.
After doing a migration from Yoast SEO to The SEO Framework, you may find that you cannot get rid of the /sitemap_index.xml file which is no longer needed.
When using Gravity Forms along with Gravity Perks (using the GP Reload Form add-on), you can set your forms to reset after sending, preparing them for another form fill.
When using Gravity Forms you can decide on a per-form basis as to whether or not you want to automatically scroll to the page top after a form submit.
The WooCommerce product grid shows the pricing for each product by default. But that can be changed on a per-product basis to deliver a custom message.
When using WooCommerce and a product has many variations, you want to increase the number of variations that show on one pagination page for editing.
When developing a WordPress site, you may want to turn on the PHP error warnings and notices to ensure that everything is running smoothly before launch.
When a user is in the WooCommerce checkout, they’ll find that the “Ship to a Different Address” box checked is by default.