jQuery – Add a _blank Target Attribute to PDF Links
Depending on the browser being used and its settings, a PDF link may open by default in the same tab/window. But jQuery can change that behavior.
Depending on the browser being used and its settings, a PDF link may open by default in the same tab/window. But jQuery can change that behavior.
Using jQuery, a “print page” link can be created on the page which will open the browser’s print dialog box when clicked.
You may have a set of links setup to outside sources or even as affiliate links. jQuery can be used to automatically set those links to nofollow for SEO.
Using jQuery, a “reload page” link can be created on the page which will allow the user to reload the page when clicked.
There are times where you may want/need to disable a text link or set of links on your sites temporarily using jQuery.
There are times when you only want specific elements of your site to show AFTER the page has finished loading. For instance, a heavy hero-image section.
Using the jQuery animate() method, a link clicked can smoothly scroll down (or up) the page to a page anchor.
Some sites place a smooth-scrolling, back-to-top button in the lower, right-hand corner of the site so the user can get back to the page top easily.
The PHP yield from keyword is used to create a generator function which acts as iterators which can be looped through with a foreach loop.
A typical SELECT statement will include WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT keywords to retrieve only the rows that apply.
This shows all databases on the server, and is handy when looking for a specific database in the system or if you’re acclimating yourself to a new system.
Python does not have a random() function to make a random number, but does have a built-in module called random that can be used to make random numbers.
When a user is in the WooCommerce checkout, they’ll find that the “Ship to a Different Address” box checked is by default.
In the discussion settings of WordPress sites a custom avatar can be placed that can be used by the users on your site when joining to place comments.
There are times when you may need a shortcode to add the current page or post title somewhere on your site.
When using WooCommerce on a WordPress site, you can show the products on the shop page as a grid, but not all themes show the product’s short description.
The backend of a WordPress site has pages, post, etc. But on the pages, there is no area for writing a short description. This code adds that functionality.
The number of posts contained in each WordPress category (post count) can be displayed in the main menu when using categories as links.
There have been times where I’ve found that one of my sites was showing completely under another individual’s URL. They embedded my site in their frames.