SQL – ADD Keyword
The ADD keyword is used to add columns or constraints to an existing table.
The ALTER keyword adds, deletes, or modifies columns in a table. It can also add and delete various constraints in a table.
The AND keyword is used with the WHERE keyword to only include rows where both conditions is true.
The AS keyword is used to output a column or table with a temporary alias for the duration of the query. Nothing in the database itself is altered.
The BACKUP DATABASE keywords are used in SQL Server to create a full back up of an existing SQL database.
The BETWEEN keyword is used to select values (numbers, text, or dates) within a given range (inclusively).
The CASE keyword is used is to create different output based on various conditions.
The CHECK keyword is a constraint that limits the value that can be placed in a column.
The COLUMN keyword is used to change the data type of a column or delete a column in a table.
The CONSTRAINT keyword is used to create or delete a constraint from an existing table.
The CREATE keyword is used to create new databases, indexes, procedures, tables, and views.
The DATABASE keyword is used to create a new SQL database or delete an existing SQL database.
The DEFAULT keyword provides a default value for a column that will be added to all new records if no other value is specified.
The DISTINCT keyword returns only different values (no two values the same) in the result set.
The DROP keyword is used to delete existing columns, constraints, databases, indexes, tables, and views.