PHP – endforeach Keyword
The PHP endforeach keyword is used to close the code block of a foreach loop which was started using the foreach syntax.
The PHP endforeach keyword is used to close the code block of a foreach loop which was started using the foreach syntax.
The PHP endif keyword is used to mark the end of an if conditional which was started with the if, or elseif syntax.
The PHP endswitch keyword is used to mark the end of a switch conditional which was started with the switch syntax.
The PHP extends keyword is used to derive a class from another class, and therefore inherits all the properties of the class that it is derived from.
The PHP final keyword is used to prevent a class from being inherited and to prevents inherited methods from being overridden.
The PHP finally keyword is used in try…finally and try…catch…finally structures to run a block of code whether or not an exception occurred.
The PHP fn keyword is used to create arrow functions which have access to all variables from the scope in which they were created.
The PHP for keyword is used to create a for loop, which loops through a block of code a specified number of times.
The PHP foreach keyword is used to create foreach loops, which loops through a block of code for each element in an array.
The PHP global keyword imports variables from the global scope into the local scope of a function.
The PHP if keyword is used to create an if conditional. The elseif and else keywords can then be used to run code when the if condition is not met.
The PHP implements keyword is used to declare that a class must have the methods described in the specified interface (called polymorphism).
The PHP include keyword is used to embed PHP code from another file. If the file is not found, a warning is shown and the program continues to run.
The PHP include_once keyword is used to embed PHP code from another file. If the file is not found, a warning is shown and the program continues to run.
The PHP instanceof keyword is used to check if an object belongs to a class, and returns true if the object is an instance of the class or false if not.
The PHP insteadof keyword allows you to select from which trait a method should be taken if more than one trait has a method with the same name.
The PHP interface keyword is used to create interfaces, which is a structure which defines a list of methods that must exist in a class.
The PHP namespace keyword is used to declare in which namespace a PHP file is operating.