PHP – abstract Keyword
The PHP abstract keyword declares a class as abstract.
The PHP and keyword is a logical operator and is used to combine conditional statements.
The PHP as keyword is used by the foreach loop to establish which variables contain the key and value of an element.
The PHP break keyword is used to break out of for loops, foreach loops, while loops, do… while loops, and switch conditions.
The PHP callable keyword is used to force a function argument to be a reference to a function.
The PHP case keyword is used to jump to a line of code when an expression has a specific value in a switch conditional.
The PHP catch keyword is used to handle exceptions that are thrown by the code in a preceding try block.
The PHP const keyword is used to create constants, and must be declared in the global scope.
The PHP continue keyword is used to is used to end the current iteration in a for, foreach, while or do…while loop, and continues to the next iteration.
The PHP default keyword is used in a switch block to specify which code to run when none of the case statements were matched by the expression.
The PHP do keyword creates a loop which always runs at least once. It is used together with the while keyword to create a do…while loop.
The PHP echo keyword is used to output text, and can output multiple strings separated by commas.
The PHP else keyword specifies a block of code which should run when the condition of an if statement is not met.
The PHP elseif keyword tests a new condition if the condition of a previous if or elseif statement was not met.
The PHP empty keyword acts as a function which returns true if a variable does not exist, or if its value is considered empty.
The PHP enddeclare keyword is used to close a declare block which was started using the declare syntax.
The PHP endfor keyword is used to close the code block of a for loop which was started using the for syntax.