PHP – jewishtojd() Function
The PHP jewishtojd() function converts a date from the Jewish Calendar to a Julian Day Count.
The PHP jewishtojd() function converts a date from the Jewish Calendar to a Julian Day Count.
The PHP json_decode() function is used to decode or convert a JSON object to a PHP object.
The PHP json_encode() function is used to encode a value to JSON format.
The PHP json_last_error() function returns the last error occurred.
The PHP juliantojd() function converts a date from the Julian Calendar to a Julian Day Count.
The PHP key() function returns the element key from the current internal pointer position and FALSE if there is an error.
The PHP krsort() function sorts an associative array in descending order, according to the key.
The PHP ksort() function sorts an associative array in ascending order, according to the key.
The PHP lcg_value() function returns a pseudo random number in a range between 0 and 1.
The PHP lchgrp() function changes the group ownership of a symbolic link (a link in the filesystem).
The PHP lchown() function changes the user ownership of a symbolic link (a link in the filesystem).
The PHP libxml_clear_errors() function clears the libxml error buffer.
The PHP libxml_disable_entity_loader() function enables the ability to load external entities.
The PHP libxml_get_errors() function gets the errors from the the libxml error buffer.
The PHP libxml_get_last_error() function gets the last error from the libxml error buffer.
The PHP libxml_set_external_entity_loader() function changes the default external entity loader.
The PHP libxml_set_streams_context() function sets the streams context for the next libxml document load or write.
The PHP libxml_use_internal_errors() function disables the standard libxml errors and enables user error handling.
The PHP linkinfo() function returns information about a hard link, and is used to verify if a link really exists.