PHP – date_add() Function
The PHP date_add() function adds a specified number of days, months, years, hours, minutes, and seconds to a date.
The PHP date_add() function adds a specified number of days, months, years, hours, minutes, and seconds to a date.
The PHP date_create_from_format() function returns a new DateTime object formatted according to the specified format.
The PHP date_default_timezone_get() function returns the default timezone used by all date/time functions in the script.
The PHP date_default_timezone_set() function sets the default timezone used by all date/time functions in the script.
The PHP date_diff() function returns the difference between two DateTime objects.
The PHP date_format() function returns a date formatted according to the specified format.
The PHP date_get_last_errors() function returns the warnings/errors found while parsing a date string.
The PHP date_interval_create_from_date_string() function sets up a DateInterval from the relative parts of the string.
The PHP date_interval_format() function is an alias of DateInterval::format().
The PHP date_isodate_set() function sets a date according to the ISO 8601 standard, using weeks and day offsets (instead of using a specific date).
The PHP date_parse_from_format() function returns an associative array with detailed information about a specified date, using to the specified format.
The PHP date_parse() function returns an associative array with detailed information about a specified date.
The PHP date_sub() function subtracts some days, months, years, hours, minutes, and seconds from a date.
The PHP date_sun_info() function returns an array containing information about sunset/sunrise and twilight begin/end, for a specified day and location.
The PHP date_sunrise() function returns the sunrise time for a specified day and location.
The PHP date_sunset() function returns the sunset time for a specified day and location.