PHP – chmod() Function
The PHP chmod() function changes permissions of the specified file.
The PHP chroot() function changes the root directory of the current process to directory, and changes the current working directory to “/”.
The PHP compact() function creates an array from variables and their values. Any strings that does not match variable names will be skipped.
The PHP connection_aborted() function checks whether the client has disconnected.
The PHP connection_status() function returns the current connection status.
The PHP const keyword is used to create constants, and must be declared in the global scope.
The PHP continue keyword is used to is used to end the current iteration in a for, foreach, while or do…while loop, and continues to the next iteration.
The PHP copy() function copies a file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
The PHP cos() function returns the cosine (a numeric value between -1 and 1) of a number.
The PHP cosh() function returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number (equivalent to (exp(number) + exp(-number)) / 2).
The PHP current() function returns the value of the current element (every array has an internal pointer to the “current” element) in an array.
The PHP date() function formats a local date and time, and returns the formatted date string.