PHP – switch Keyword
The PHP switch keyword is used to create a switch conditional, which choose a block of code to run based on the value of an expression.
The PHP switch keyword is used to create a switch conditional, which choose a block of code to run based on the value of an expression.
The PHP sys_getloadavg() function returns the system load average as an array (three numbers) that are the average load over the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
The PHP tanh() function returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number, which is equal to sinh(x)/cosh(x).
The PHP tempnam() function creates a temporary file with a unique name in the specified directory.
The PHP throw keyword is used to throw exceptions to change the program flow if an unexpected situation arises, such as invalid data.
The PHP time() function returns the current time in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).
The PHP time_nanosleep() function delays execution of the current script for a specified number of seconds and nanoseconds.
The PHP time_sleep_until() function is used to make a script sleep until the specified time.
The PHP timezone_abbreviations_list() returns an associative array containing dst, offset, and the timezone name.
The PHP timezone_identifiers_list() returns an indexed array containing all timezone identifiers.
The PHP timezone_location_get() returns location information for the given timezone.
The PHP timezone_name_from_abbr() returns the timezone name from abbreviation.
The PHP timezone_offset_get() returns the timezone offset from GMT.
The PHP timezone_transitions_get() returns all transitions for the timezone.
The PHP timezone_version_get() function returns the version of the timezonedb.
The PHP tmpfile() function creates a temporary file with a unique name in read-write (w+) mode.