PHP – log() Function
The PHP log() function returns the natural logarithm of a number, or the logarithm of number to base.
The PHP log() function returns the natural logarithm of a number, or the logarithm of number to base.
The PHP log1p() function returns log(1+number), computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero.
The PHP long2ip() function converts a long integer address into a string in IPv4 format.
The PHP max() function returns the highest value in an array, or the highest value of several specified values.
The PHP microtime() function returns the current Unix timestamp with microseconds.
The PHP min() function returns the lowest value in an array, or the lowest value of several specified values.
The PHP mt_getrandmax() function returns the largest possible value that can be returned by mt_rand().
The PHP mt_rand() function generates a random integer using the Mersenne Twister algorithm.
The PHP mt_srand() function seeds the Mersenne Twister random number generator.
The PHP natcasesort() function sorts an array by using a “natural order” (2 is less than the number 10) algorithm. This function is case-insensitive.
The PHP natsort() function sorts an array by using a “natural order” (2 is less than the number 10) algorithm. This function is case-sensitive.
The PHP namespace keyword is used to declare in which namespace a PHP file is operating.
The PHP next() function moves the internal pointer to, and outputs, the next element in the array.