SQL – MySQL DATE() Function
The MySQL DATE() function extracts the date part from a datetime expression.
The MySQL DATE() function extracts the date part from a datetime expression.
The MySQL DATEDIFF() function returns the number of days between two date values.
The MySQL DATE_ADD() function adds a time/date interval to a date and then returns the date.
The MySQL DATE_SUB() function subtracts a time/date interval from a date and then returns the date.
The MySQL DAY() function returns the day of the month for a given date (a number from 1 to 31).
The MySQL DAYNAME() function returns the weekday name for a given date.
The MySQL DAYOFMONTH() function returns the day of the month for a given date (a number from 1 to 31).
The MySQL DAYOFWEEK() function returns the weekday index for a given date (a number from 1 – Sunday to 7 – Saturday).
The MySQL DAYOFYEAR() function returns the day of the year for a given date (a number from 1 to 366).
The MySQL EXP() function returns the natural logarithm e (2.718281…) raised to the power of the specified number.
The MySQL FIELD() function returns the index position of a case-insensitive value in a list of values.
The MySQL FIND_IN_SET() function returns the position of a string within a list of strings.
The MySQL FLOOR() function returns the largest integer value that is smaller than or equal to a number.
The MySQL FORMAT() function formats a number to a format like “#,###,###.##”, rounded to a specified number of decimal places, and returns it as a string.
The MySQL FROM_DAYS() function returns a date from a numeric datevalue.
The MySQL GREATEST() function returns the greatest value of the list of arguments.