SQL – UNION ALL Keywords
The UNION ALL keywords combines the result set of two or more SELECT statements (will return duplicate values).
The UNION ALL keywords combines the result set of two or more SELECT statements (will return duplicate values).
The USE keyword specifies the database you intend to work with. The statement is often made when starting work on or switching to a particular database.
The VIEW keyword is used to CREATE a virtual table based on the result set of an SQL statement.
The WHERE keyword filters a result set to include only records that fulfill a specified condition or set of conditions.
The MySQL ACOS() function returns the arc cosine of a number. The specified number must be between -1 and 1, or NULL will be returned.
The MySQL ADDDATE() function adds a time/date interval to a date and then returns the date.
The MySQL ADDTIME() function adds a time interval to a time/datetime and then returns the time/datetime.
The MySQL ASCII() function returns the ASCII value for the specific character.
The MySQL ASIN() function returns the arc sine of a number. The specified number must be between -1 and 1, or NULL will be returned.
The MySQL ATAN() function returns the arc tangent of one or two numbers.
The MySQL AVG() function returns the average value of an expression (NULL values are ignored).
The MySQL BIN() function returns a binary representation of a number, as a string value.
The MySQL CASE statement goes through conditions and will stop reading and return a value when the first condition in the list is met.
The MySQL CAST() function converts a value of any type into the specified datatype.