HTML – Column Tag
The <col> tag specifies column properties for each column within a colgroup tag.
The HTML comment tag <!– –> is used to insert comments in the source code of the page. Anything placed in the space inside the <!– –> tag are considered comments and are not displayed in the browser.
The <data> tag provides both a machine-readable value for data processing via scripting, and a human-readable value for rendering in a browser. The <data> tag contains the attribute value which contains the information that is to be processed by scripting.
The <datalist> tag specifies a list of pre-defined options for an <input> tag. Users will see a drop-down list of options as they input data.
The <dd> tag is the definition description of the related <dt> tag (definition term) within a <dl> tag (definition list).
Definition lists use the <dl> tag and the list items (definition terms) within use the <dt> tag. The <dd> tag is the definition description of the related term.
The <dfn> tag is a “definition element” and specifies a term that is going to be defined within the immediate content.
The <dt> tag (definition term) lives with the <dl> tag (definition list) and uses the <dd> tag (definition description) to define the meaning of the listed term.
The <del&rt; tag defines text that has been deleted from a document. By default, browsers will usually put a line through deleted text.
The <details> tag specifies additional information that the user can open and close on demand. The area is closed by default, but expands to display the content within.
The <div> tag allows you to group together multiple elements to create sections or subsections on the page.
The <dialog> tag defines a box or small window often used to create popup dialogs and modals on a web page.
The HTML <!DOCTYPE> is used for specifying which version of HTML the document is using. The following specifies HTML5, and is the only modern declaration that should be used going forward.
The <embed> tag represents a container for external applications or interactive content (images, videos, animations, etc.).
The <em> tag is used for emphasized text that is typically displayed in the browser as italic and should be pronounced with an emphasis, using verbal stress.
The <fieldset> tag is used to group related elements in a form for easier viewing by providing a box around the related elements.
The <figcaption> tag defines a caption for a photo set inside the <figure> tag.
The <figure> tag is used to mark up a photo in a document to add the <figcaption> tag which defines a caption for the photo.
The <footer> tag defines a footer for a document or section within a document. It often contains contact info, copyright, and a sitemap, amongst other things.
The <form> tag is used to create a form for a user to send information to the site owner. A form can contain textfields, checkboxes, radio-buttons, and more.