jQuery – removeClass() Method
The removeClass() method removes one or more class names from the selected elements.
The removeClass() method removes one or more class names from the selected elements.
The replaceAll() method replaces selected elements with new HTML elements.
The scrollLeft() method sets the horizontal scrollbar position for the selected elements.
The scrollTop() method sets the vertical scrollbar position for the selected elements.
The serialize() method creates a URL-encoded text string by serializing form values.
The serializeArray() method creates an array of objects (name and value) by serializing form values.
The show() method shows the selected hidden element. The shown item will now take up space on the page, affecting the layout.
The siblings() method returns all sibling elements of the selected element.
The slideDown() method slides down and shows the selected element. It works on elements hidden with jQuery methods and those with display: none in CSS.
The slideToggle() method toggles between the slideUp() and slideDown() methods by sliding down a hidden element and sliding up a visible element.
The slideUp() method slides up and hides the selected element. The hidden item will no longer take up space on the page, affecting the layout.
The stop() method stops the currently running animation for the selected element.
The text() method sets the text content of the selected elements, overwriting the content of ALL matched elements.