JavaScript – RegExp i Modifier
In JavaScript RegExp, the “i” modifier specifies a case-insensitive match.
In JavaScript RegExp, the “i” modifier specifies a case-insensitive match.
In JavaScript RegExp, the “m” modifier specifies a multiline match. ^ specifies a match at the start of a string. $ specifies a match at the end.
The JavaScript RegExp Group [0-9] searches for a specific number in a string.
The JavaScript RegExp Group [^0-9] searches for a specific number NOT in a string.
The JavaScript RegExp Group [abc] searches for a specific character in a string.
The JavaScript RegExp Group [^abc] searches for a specific character NOT in a string.
The JavaScript RegExp Group (x|y) expression is used to find ANY of the alternatives specified.
The JavaScript RegExp . metacharacter is matches ANY character, except newline or other line terminators.
The JavaScript RegExp \b metacharacter matches at the beginning or end of a word. Search for ma at the beginning of a word (\bma), at the end (ma\b).
The JavaScript RegExp \B metacharacter matches NOT at the beginning or end of a word. Search for ma NOT at the beginning (\bma), or the end (ma\b).
The JavaScript RegExp \d metacharacter matches digits from 0 to 9.
The JavaScript RegExp \D metacharacter matches non-digit characters.
The JavaScript RegExp \f metacharacter matches form-feed characters (\f).
The JavaScript RegExp \n character matches newline characters (\n).
The JavaScript RegExp \s metacharacter matches whitespace characters.
The JavaScript RegExp \s metacharacter matches non-whitespace characters.
The JavaScript RegExp \r metacharacter matches carriage return characters.
The JavaScript RegExp \t metacharacter matches horizontal tabs.
The JavaScript RegExp \udddd metacharacters matches Unicode characters specified by a hexadecimal number (dddd).