JavaScript – Number.isNaN() Method
The Number.isFinite() method returns true if the value is NaN (not a number), yet the type is a Number.
The Number.isFinite() method returns true if the value is NaN (not a number), yet the type is a Number.
The Number.isFinite() method returns true if a number is a safe integer, and also of a Number data type.
The Number.MAX_VALUE property returns the largest possible number in JavaScript, which is 1.7976931348623157e+308.
The Number.MIN_VALUE property returns the smallest possible number in JavaScript, which is 5e-324.
The Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY property returns negative infinity.
The Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY property returns positive infinity.
The Number.prototype property allows the addition of new properties and methods to numbers.
The Number toExponential() method converts a number into exponential notation.
The Number toFixed() method converts a number to a string, while rounding the string to a specified number of decimals.
The Number toLocaleString() method returns a number as a string, using locale settings.
The Number toPrecision() method formats a number to a specified length, adding a decimal point and zeroes if necessary to achieve the length.
The Number valueOf() method returns the primitive value of a number.
The Object constructor property returns the function that created the Object prototype.
The Object.keys() method returns an array iterator object with the keys of an object, without changing the original object.
The Object prototype property allows the addition of new properties and methods to objects.
The Object toString() method returns an object as a string or “[object Object]” if it cannot return a string.
The Object valueOf() method returns the primitive value of an object, or the object itself if it has no primitive.
In JavaScript RegExp, the “g” modifier specifies a global match, which finds ALL matches, and NOT just the first match.