JavaScript – DOM Element normalize() Method
The Element normalize() method removes empty text nodes, and joins adjacent text nodes.
The Element normalize() method removes empty text nodes, and joins adjacent text nodes.
The Element offsetHeight property returns the viewable height of an element, including padding, border and scrollbar, but not the margin.
The Element offsetLeft property returns the left position relative to the parent.
The Element offsetParent property returns the nearest ancestor that has a position other than static. It return “null” if set to display: none;.
The Element offsetWidth property returns the viewable width of an element, including padding, border and scrollbar, but not the margin.
The Element offsetTop property returns the top position relative to the parent.
The Element outerHTML property sets or returns the HTML element, including attributes, the start tag, and the end tag.
The Element outerText property sets or returns the text content of the specified node.
The Element ownerDocument property returns the owner document of a node, as a Document object.
The Element parentElement property returns the parent element of the specified element.
The JavaScript Element parentNode property returns the parent node of an element or node.
The Element previousSibling property returns the previous node on the same tree level.
The Element previousElementSibling property returns the previous element in the same tree level.
The Element querySelector() method returns the first child element that matches the specified CSS selector or selectors of an element.
The Element querySelectorAll() method returns an element’s child elements, as a static NodeList object, that match specified CSS selectors.
The Element remove() method removes an element or node from the document.
The Element removeAttribute() method removes an attribute from an element.
The Element removeAttributeNode() method removes an attribute from an element.
The Element removeChild() method removes an element’s child.
The Element removeEventListener() method removes an event handler to an element.