JavaScript – Window closed Property
The Window closed property returns “true” if the specified window is closed.
The Window closed property returns “true” if the specified window is closed.
The window.frameElement property returns the frame where the window runs, or null if the window does not run in a frame.
The window.frames property returns an array with all window objects in the window.
The window.innerHeight property returns the height of a window’s content area.
The window.innerWidth property returns the width of a window’s content area.
The window.length property returns the number of (framed) windows in the window. The count starts with 0 for the 1st, 1 for the 2nd, etc.
The window.localStorage object allows you to save key/value pairs in the browser.
The opener property returns a reference to the window that created the window.
The window.outerHeight property returns the outer height of the browser window, including all interface elements such as toolbars and scrollbars.
The window.outerWidth property returns the outer width of the browser window, including all interface elements such as toolbars and scrollbars.
The window.pageXOffset property returns the pixels a document has scrolled the page right from the upper left corner of the window.
The window.pageYOffset property returns the pixels a document has scrolled down the page from the upper left corner of the window.
The window.parent property returns the parent window of the current window.
The window.screenLeft property returns the horizontal position of a window, relative to the screen.
The window.screenTop property returns the vertical position of a window, relative to the screen.
The Window screenX property returns the horizontal coordinate of a window, relative to the screen.
The Window screenY property returns the vertical coordinate of a window, relative to the screen.
The window.scrollX property returns the pixels a document has scrolled horizontally from the upper left corner of the window.
The window.scrollY property returns the pixels a document has scrolled vertically from the upper left corner of the window.