JavaScript – DOM Element scrollWidth Property
The Element scrollWidth property returns the width of an element including padding, but excluding borders, scrollbars, or margins.
The Element scrollWidth property returns the width of an element including padding, but excluding borders, scrollbars, or margins.
The Element style property sets or returns the values of an element’s style attribute.
The Element tabIndex property sets or returns the value of the tabindex attribute of an element.
The Element tagName property returns the tag name of an element in UPPERCASE.
The Element textContent property sets or returns the text content of the specified node and all its descendants.
The Element title property sets or returns the value of an element’s title attribute.
The NodeList length property returns the number of nodes in a NodeList, which is an array-like list of Node Objects.
The DOMTokenList length property returns the number of tokens in a DOMTokenList.
The DOMTokenList value property returns a DOMTokenList as a string
The Error object provides error information when an error occurs. The message property sets or returns an error message.
The Error object provides error information when an error occurs. The name property sets or returns the name of an error.
A number reaches infinity when it exceeds the upper or lower limit for a number, which is positive or negative infinity (±1.797693134862315E+308).
The undefined property indicates that a variable has not been assigned a value, or not declared at all.
The history.length property returns the number of URLs in the history list of the current browser window.
The location.hash property sets or returns the anchor part of a URL, including the # sign.
The property returns the host (IP address or domain) and port of a URL.
The location.hostname property returns the host (IP address or domain) of a URL.
The location.href property sets or returns the entire URL of the current page.
The location.origin property returns the protocol, hostname, and port number of a URL.