JavaScript – Array reduceRight() Method
The Array reduceRight() method executes a reducer function for every array item, working from right to left, returning a single value.
The Array reduceRight() method executes a reducer function for every array item, working from right to left, returning a single value.
The Array reverse() method reverses the order of the items in an array, overwriting the original array.
The Array shift() method removes and returns the first element of an array, changing the original array.
The Array slice() method returns selected elements in an array as a new array, without changing the original array.
The Array some() method checks if any array elements pass a test by executing a callback function for each array element.
The Array sort() method sorts the elements of an array as strings in alphabetical and ascending order, overwriting the original array.
The Array splice() method adds and/or removes array elements, overwriting the original array.
The Array toString() method returns a string with array values separated by commas, and does not change the original array.
The Array unshift() method adds new elements to the beginning of an array, overwriting the original array.
The Array valueOf() method returns the value of the array (contents), and does not change the original array.
The Boolean toString() method returns a string from the boolean.
The Boolean valueOf() method returns the primitive value of a boolean.
The Class constructor() method is for creating and initializing objects created within a class.
The console.assert() method writes a message to the console if an expression evaluates to false.
The console.clear() method clears the console, and depending on the browser, may write “Console was cleared” in the console.
The console.count() method counts the number of times console.count() is called and writes the number to the console.
The console.error() method writes an error message to the console, which can be useful for testing purposes.
The method starts a message group, and all new messages will be written inside this group.
The console.groupCollapsed() method starts a collapsed message group (which can be expanded), and all new messages will be inside this group.
The console.groupEnd() method ends a console message group created with the method.