HTML – onchange Event
The onchange event fires when the value of the element is changed by the user and the element loses focus.
The onchange event fires when the value of the element is changed by the user and the element loses focus.
The onclick event fires when a user clicks their mouse while on an HTML element.
The oncontextmenu event fires when the user right-clicks on an element to open the context menu.
The oncopy event fires when the user copies the contents of an element or an image to their clipboard.
The oncuechange event defines a script to run when the cue changes in a track
The oncut event fires when the user cuts the contents of an element or an image to their clipboard.
The ondblclick event fires when a user double clicks their mouse while on an HTML element.
The ondrag event fires when an element or text selection is being dragged via drag and drop.
The ondragend event fires when the user has finished dragging an element or text selection via drag and drop.
The ondragenter event fires when a draggable element or text selection enters a valid target where it can be dropped via drag and drop.
The ondragleave event fires when a draggable element or text selection leaves a valid drop target where it can be dropped via drag and drop.
The ondragover event fires when a draggable element or text selection is being dragged over a valid drop target via drag and drop.
The ondragstart event fires when the user starts to drag an element or text selection via drag and drop.
The ondrop event fires when a draggable element or text selection is dropped on a valid drop target via drag and drop.
The ondurationchange event fires when the duration of the audio/video is changed.
The onemptied event fires when the media encounters some fatal error, the file becomes unavailable, or the media playlist is empty.
The onerror event fires when an error occurs while loading an external file like an <img>, <object>, <link>, or <script>.
The onfocus event fires when a form field gains focus when as user clicks into it. The onfocus event is the opposite of theĀ onblur event.
The onfocusin event fires when a form field is about to gain focus as the user clicks into it. The onfocusin event is the opposite of the onfocusout event.