HTML – Parameter Attributes
The param tag is used to define parameters for an object element. These are the attributes for the param tag.
The param tag is used to define parameters for an object element. These are the attributes for the param tag.
The progress tag represents the completion progress of a task, and is used with a script to display the progress to the user. These are the tag attributes.
The q tag defines a section of text that is quoted from another source and may need to stand out on its own to some extent. These are its attributes.
The script tag is used to embed client-side scripts. These are the attributes used in a script tag.
The select tag is used to create a drop-down list, and is most often used in a form to collect user input. These are the attributes for the select tag.
The source tag is used to specify multiple media resources for media elements. These are the attributes for the source tag.
The style tag is used in the head of a document to define style information (CSS) to specify how HTML elements should look. These are its attributes.
A td tag defines a cell containing data in a table. These are its attributes.
The textarea tag defines a multi-line text input element often used in a form. These are the attributes used in a textarea tag.
The time tag is used for displaying the human readable date and time. These are its attributes.
The track tag specifies text tracks for audio or video elements, such as subtitles, captions or other text. These are its attributes.
The video tag contains multiple source tags with various video sources. The browser will choose the first source it supports. These are its attributes.
The onabort event fires when the loading of an audio/video file is aborted, but not due to error.
The onafterprint event fires when a page has started printing or once the print dialogue box has been closed.
The onbeforeprint event fires when a page is about to start printing or the dialogue box appears.
The onbeforeunload event fires when the user has made an action to leave the current page. Most browsers provide a default message.
The onblur event fires when a form field loses focus, and is often used with form validation. The onblur event is the opposite of theĀ onfocus event.
The oncanplay event fires when the video has buffered enough for the browser to start playing the specified audio/video.
The oncanplaythrough event fires when the browser estimates it can play through the specified media without having to stop for buffering.