HTML – Dialog Attributes
The dialog tag defines a box or small window often used to create popup dialogs and modals on a web page. These are its attributes.
The dialog tag defines a box or small window often used to create popup dialogs and modals on a web page. These are its attributes.
The embed tag represents a container for external applications or interactive content to live. These are the attributes used in the embed tag.
The fieldset tag is used to group related elements in a form for easier viewing by providing a box around the related elements. These are its attributes.
The form tag defines an HTML form. There are multiple attributes that can be applied to the form tag.
Global attributes are attributes that can be used with all HTML tags. This is a list of global attributes.
An iframe is used to create a rectangular region, including scrollbars and borders, in one web page to display another web page. These are its attributes.
The img tag is used to place an image on an HTML page, and has multiple attributes that can be used within the img tag.
The input tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data in a form to send to the site owner. These are its attributes.
The label tag defines a label for form input fields and requires these two attributes to connect the label with its respective input.
Link attributes are attributes that can be used in link tags to enhance the behavior of the link.
The li tag defines a list item used inside ordered lists (ol). These are its attributes.
An image map is an image with specified sections mapped to accept different links. These are its attributes.
The marquee tag has a number of attributes that can be applied to alter the look and behavior of the marquee.
meta tags tell the browser, search engines, and various external services information about the document. These are its attributes.
The meter tag defines a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value. This is a list of attributes used in the meter tag.
The object tag defines a container for an external resource such a web page, image, video, or animation.
The option tag defines an option in a select element, optgroup element, or datalist element. These are the attributes for the option tag.
The optgroup tag is used to group related options in a select element (drop-down list). These are the attributes used in an optgroup element.
The ol tag defines an ordered list which can be numerical or alphabetical. These are its attributes.
The output tag specifies the result of a calculation often performed in a script. These are the attributes used in the output tag.