HTML – onpageshow Event
The onpageshow event fires when the user first navigates to a webpage or reloads the page.
The onpageshow event fires when the user first navigates to a webpage or reloads the page.
The onpaste event fires when the user pastes content from their clipboard into an HTML element.
The onpause event fires when the audio/video is paused either by the user or a script.
The onplay event fires when the audio/video has been started or is no longer being paused.
The onplaying event fires when the audio/video is playing after having been manually/programmatically paused or had stopped to buffer.
The onprogress event fires when the browser is downloading the requested audio/video file.
The onratechange event fires when the playing speed of the audio/video has changed (to a slow motion or fast forward mode).
The onreset event fires when the user resets the form by clicking the reset button.
The onscroll event fires when an element containing a scrollbar is being scrolled by the user.
The onsearch event fires when a user presses the “enter” key or clicks the “x” button in an <input> element with type=”search”.
The onseeked event fires when the user is finished moving or skipping to a new position in the track.
The onseeking event fires when the user starts to move or skip to a new position in the audio/video.
The onselect event fires after text has been selected in an HTML <input> or <textarea> element.
The onstalled event fires when the browser is trying to get media data, but the data is not available.
The onstorage event fires when the browser window storage area has been changed.
The onsubmit event fires when the user submits the form by clicking the submit button.
The onsuspend event fires when loading of the media is suspended or prevented from continuing.
The ontimeupdate event fires when the playing position of the audio/video has changed.