CSS – box-decoration-break Property
The box-decoration-break property specifies how the properties of an element are applied when the box for the element is broken onto two lines.
The box-decoration-break property specifies how the properties of an element are applied when the box for the element is broken onto two lines.
The box-sizing property defines how the width and height of an element are calculated (i.e., should they include padding and borders, or not).
The break-after property specifies whether a page break, column break, or region break should occur after the element to avoid splitting across pages.
The break-after property specifies whether a page break, column break, or region break should occur before the element to avoid splitting across pages.
The break-after property specifies whether a page break, column break, or region break should occur inside the element.
The caption-side property specifies the placement of a table caption to the top or bottom.
The caret-color property specifies the color of the cursor in inputs, textareas, or any element that is editable.
The @charset rule specifies the character encoding used in the style sheet. It must be the first element, and not be preceded by any other characters.
The clear property specifies what should happen to the element that is next to a floating element.
The clip-path property lets you clip an element to a basic shape or an SVG source.
The color property specifies the color of the text of an element and can be expressed as a hexadecimal value, RGB, HSL, or as an HTML color keyword.
The column-count property specifies the number of columns an element should be divided into.
The column-fill property specifies how to either fill the columns by balancing the content or by first filling the initial column’s full height.
The column-rule property is a shorthand property for all the other properties a CSS column-rule can be given.
The column-rule-color property specifies the color of the rule between columns.
The column-rule-style property specifies the style of the rule between columns.
The column-rule-width property specifies the width of the rule between columns.
The column-span property specifies how many columns an element should span across.