A Site for Beginners to Learn to Code
We built this site, and populated it with reference materials, as a way for us to learn the basics of coding. And it presents us with an opportunity to share what we’ve learned with you.
At its core, 1SMARTchicken is a code reference and tutorial site built for BEGINNERS (with some intermediate stuff thrown in). Our primary goal is to show the various coding techniques in a simple format with just the most common uses in our examples, reference pages, and tutorials. There are other sites out there that will give you a more advanced and complete picture of each of the coding languages. We’ll leave that to them, because they’ve done an excellent job of it.
Like I said, we’re learning right along with you as we put this site together and maintain it going forward. So please, feel free to let us know how we can improve things and make it easier for both of us to learn the basics of coding.
Learn by Example (choose a topic)
This is a list of the tags applied to all the posts across the various languages discussed on this site. For instance, the “Array” tag will show you all posts about arrays in JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, etc.
- 2D (3)
- 3D (5)
- AJAX (17)
- Animation (41)
- Array (125)
- Astra Theme (1)
- Audio (36)
- Backend (10)
- Background (10)
- Boolean (7)
- Border (33)
- Date (164)
- Gravity Forms (2)
- Grid (20)
- HTML Clipboard Event (3)
- HTML Drag Event (8)
- HTML Form Event (12)
- HTML Keyboard Event (3)
- HTML Media Event (23)
- HTML Mouse Event (11)
- HTML Touch Event (4)
- HTML Window Event (13)
- Image (70)
- jQuery Effect (17)
- jQuery Event (47)
- jQuery HTML/CSS (42)
- jQuery Misc Method (7)
- jQuery Property (5)
- jQuery Traversing (24)
- JS Array (33)
- JS Boolean (4)
- JS Class (4)
- JS Console (14)
- JS Date (48)
- JS DOM (147)
- JS DOM Attributes (8)
- JS DOM Collection (3)
- JS DOM Document (38)
- JS DOM Element (85)
- JS DOM NodeList (6)
- JS DOMTokenList (13)
- JS Error (2)
- JS Global (13)
- JS History (4)
- JS JSON (2)
- JS Location (12)
- JS Loop (5)
- JS Math (41)
- JS Navigator (11)
- JS Number (17)
- JS Object (5)
- JSON (8)
- JS Operator (12)
- JS RegExp Group (5)
- JS RegExp Metacharacter (17)
- JS RegExp Method (3)
- JS RegExp Modifier (3)
- JS RegExp Property (6)
- JS RegExp Quantifier (10)
- JS Screen (6)
- JS Statement (17)
- JS String (31)
- JS Window (46)
- Keyword (126)
- Margin (5)
- Math (148)
- MySQL (154)
- MySQL Advanced Functions (19)
- MySQL Date Functions (50)
- MySQL Numeric Functions (36)
- MySQL String Functions (33)
- Number (32)
- Padding (5)
- PHP Array (77)
- PHP Calendar (18)
- PHP Date (49)
- PHP Directory (9)
- PHP Error (15)
- PHP Exception (8)
- PHP File System (74)
- PHP Filter (7)
- PHP FTP (34)
- PHP JSON (3)
- PHP LibXML (7)
- PHP Loop (9)
- PHP Mail (2)
- PHP Math (48)
- PHP Network (30)
- PHP String (3)
- Plugin (3)
- Print (8)
- Pseudo-Class (32)
- Pseudo-Element (9)
- Python Array (12)
- Python Dictionary (18)
- Python Dictionary Method (11)
- Python List (21)
- Python List Method (11)
- Python Loop (3)
- Python Set (23)
- Python Set Method (17)
- Python String (50)
- Python String Method (44)
- Python Tuple (9)
- Python Tuple Method (3)
- RegExp (49)
- Responsive (53)
- Security (1)
- Selector (121)
- Semantic Element (15)
- Shortcode (2)
- SQL Server (100)
- SQL Server Advanced Functions (12)
- SQL Server Date Functions (13)
- SQL Server Numeric Functions (28)
- SQL Server String Functions (30)
- String (178)
- WooCommerce (8)